About Us & Our Mission

Our Mission

To provide quality books that speak to children’s hearts communicating to them how valuable, cherished, and loved they are. God has a divine purpose and plan for each of their lives and nothing can change that.

To provide a copy of You are Loved! to every child in foster care. Purchases from I Star in the Story help fund this endeavor as these books are donated at no cost to the recipients.

Our Beginnings

Amy’s six daughters (Sara, Lisa, Hanna, Emily, Natalie, and Hazel) have been a great encouragement and help in getting this endeavor underway. Specifically, daughters Natalie, Hazel, Hanna, and Lisa assisted with editing, critiquing, and giving input on illustrations. Both Natalie and Hazel helped with coming up with the company’s name. In addition, daughter Hanna Grasel of Hanna Creates is using her artistic talent to illustrate future books. She also created the I Star in the Story logo and has been a key support in setting up the website and helping with the book personalization process.

About the Author

Amy enjoys reading and writing. When her daughters were younger, she enjoyed reading to them at bedtime. These times were precious to her - especially reading faith-based books and the conversations that resulted.

Also, personalized books were some of the favorite gifts she purchased for her daughters over the years. They enjoyed seeing themselves in the story. Amy wanted to offer this option for other families with books that are inspiring and faith-based.

You are Loved! is the first book she wrote and felt the calling to get this message into the hands of foster children. Having difficulties conceiving, she and her husband became foster parents for a brief time with the hopes of adopting. After her foster parent training, Amy developed a heart for these children and the difficulties they face. She desires for each of them to know how precious and loved they are.

Throughout the book illustrating and publication process, there were setbacks and disappointments. Amy received comfort knowing that this project was in God’s hands. If He wanted it to continue, it would. He’d make a way and thus far He has as well as providing amazing confirmations along the way. His Word is living and active and provided the message needed at just the right time. Also, the first set of ISBN numbers purchased by Amy were in a sequence that was relevant and meaningful to Amy – something that can’t be attributed to randomness, but instead, an acknowledgment straight from the hand of God that this path is the right one.

This project has been a long time coming. Amy first started working on it approximately 15 years ago and set it aside. With a health scare in recent years, Amy felt the urgency to get moving on making it happen. Also, her mother has dementia and her maternal grandfather also had it. Unsure of her own possible future with this, she fears her time may be short. She doesn’t want any regrets about missing out on a calling she feels God has for her.

Amy is eternally thankful to her Savior, Jesus, who has saved us all and healed her from the health issues she faced as well as for giving her the desire, words, and abilities to make this project happen. She is thankful for all of the encouragement and assistance she’s received from her family.

She hopes that her books encourage and bless others.